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At CablesOne Safety Is Priority 1.


It’s our message and our mantra, and our daily passion to promote and enforce safe working practices so every member of the CablesOne family returns home safe and unharmed every day. CablesOne practices and enforces a strict safety and health policy that is an industry leader for its breadth and depth and for its daily practice, monitoring, enforcement and constant assessment. Anthony and Henky Salutan is CablesOne’s Compliance Manager and Safety Officer. Henky is recognized nationally for his construction safety expertise and his passion for achieving zero recordable incidents, zero preventable utility hits and zero preventable vehicle accidents; and that’s an extremely challenging goal in the high-risk construction industry. CablesOne’s bible is our Safety & Health Manual that spells out an extensive discussion of safe working practices and policies including a mandatory drug and alcohol screening and testing program with zero tolerance for failure at any time.


CablesOne’s passion for safety is endorsed, supported, preached and practiced by the company Executive Director, Brian Ong, and that commitment to safety is reinforced daily at job-site safety meetings, weekly at mandatory safety meetings for all employees, monthly at safety assessments and near-miss reports and quarterly with special safety topics and reward breakfasts for all employees for milestone achievements on the journey to ZERO.


All CablesOne’s field employees are HSE 10-Hour certified, and all field foremen, supervisors, superintendents and operations managers are HSE 30-Hour certified. In short, ‘Safety Is Priority 1’ is not just a message to print on a banner and hang on a wall; it is the daily way of life for all employees at

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